
Press releases, publications, events and other dates

  • Fuel cell, safety, truck / 2023

    Fuel cell stacks in commercial vehicles: new “multiPEM” project assesses reliability

    Press release / July 12, 2023

    Commercial vehicles with electrified drive systems and fuel cells for energy supply will be a key technology for the CO2-neutral transportation of the future. In contrast to passenger cars, significantly higher demands are placed on them in terms of operating time and thus reliability. With the recently launched research project “Assessment and design of the system reliability of fuel cell stacks under multiphysical-chemical stress in commercial vehicles – multiPEM”, a consortium led by the Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF in Darmstadt will develop analysis, evaluation and test procedures for these complex safety requirements that allow a cost- and time-efficient and safe design of FC stacks for commercial vehicles.

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